Barn Aisleways


Increase the durability and safety of your Barn Aisleway with Equimats. Your horses will thank you.


What People Are Saying:

“Customizing my Equimats to match my barn colours really elevated the entire look of the barn. Would highly recommend.”

— Ashley Leppeau, Equitation Trainer, Ontario

“I can’t say enough good things about these mats. They really make all the difference the comfort for the horses. Even I can feel the difference in my back when I’ve been working all day in my barn on the Equimats vs at a client’s barn on concrete. I can’t go back now!”

— Paul Dendson, Young Horse Trainer, Alberta

“Our barn specializes in rehabilitation of injured horses, so making sure they’re comfortable when they walk to and from their stalls to the grooming areas, vet stations, and arenas is really important to us. I’ve seen lame horses show considerable improvement in how they carry themselves when on these mats rather then concrete and dirt.”

— Hannah Grafton, Groom and Exercise Rider, North Carolina


Contact us to get a quote for your Barn Aisleway today.


Increased Safety.

Smooth finished concrete floors are a hazard in barns as shod (and barefoot!) horses can easily slip and do the splits. This can cause radial nerve paralysis, permanent lameness, and crooked gaits. Equimats aisleway mats are designed with an anti-slip tread, drastically reducing slippage- even when wet! Giving you the peace of mind you and your horses deserve.


Increased Durability.

Dirt and stone-dust floors wear down over time and need constant care to keep them level, smooth, and dust-free. Equimats aisleway mats are designed to withstand the intensive foot traffic that your barn aisleway is exposed to daily. In fact, several of our clients report that there is virtually no difference in their Equimats after 10+ years of use.

Contact us to get a quote for your Barn Aisleway today.

We will need to know:

  • The dimensions of your Aisleway

  • And your full address (for the shipping part of your quote!)

Have more questions? Feel free to reach out and we can answer them for you.