Horse Stall Mats For Temporary Stalls
Question: Why do I need stall mats at a horse show? They’re only there for a few nights.
-Cameron Bennett, ID
Answer: At a horse show, you want your horse to be feeling and performing their best. If they’re not well rested and/or they’re sore from standing & sleeping on hard concrete, they can’t perform their best for you.
Equimats are perfect to create the temporary “home away from home” feeling for your horse and bring them some comfort while away at a (potentially stressful) horse show. These Horse Show Stall Mats are easy to pack as they are lightweight (they weight less than a bag of grain!), and easy to lift with their 3’ x 4’ size.
Equimats are essential as Horse Show Stall Mats because they are therapeutic. These mats provide the comforting support and cushioning surface that your horse’s hooves, legs, and body need as protection from the harsh base (usually concrete!) that are found in temporary stalls at horse shows. In addition, due to their therapeutic properties, horses are encouraged to lay down more often- allowing them to get the essential REM sleep they need to perform (did you know horses only get REM sleep if they lay down?).
In addition, Equimats make great Horse Show Stall Mats because they decrease the amount of shavings you need to use. Because the mats provide the comfort/cushioning for the horse, all you need shaving wise is enough to keep your horse clean. This means less bedding is used, you save more money, and you spend less time picking out shaving out of your horses tail before you leave for your class!