Horse Trailer Mats Application
Provide your horse with therapeutic support and comfort while on the road.
What People Are Saying:
“My little thoroughbred has really bad trailer anxiety, she paws and bangs no matter what we do. She even wore through our trailer’s black mats with her pawing. We put the Equimats in with the intention to help limit the wear to our trailer. She can’t even make a dent in these mats- so durable!”
— Jennifer Elizabeth, Horse Owner, British Columbia
“Our horses were on the trailer for 12 hours at a time, and I love these Equimats! When we got to California, all the horses legs were really tight and everything felt wonderful.”
— John Swale, Cutting Horse World Champion, Alberta
“I was a hesitant to get these because I wasn’t sure about how I was going to install them (I’m 5’5” 120lbs soaking wet). Turns out it was super easy! They are lightweight, click into place, and can be cut with an exacto knife. A girl friend and I did together one afternoon. Go girl power! Thank you Equimats”
— Katie Hunter, Amateur Show Jumper, Missouri
Contact us to get a quote for your horse trailer mats today.
Uniform support for maximum comfort.
Designed to be the bed and provide the comfort for the animal, you will no longer need to deep bed your horse trailer. This provides two main features:
1) Even support. Often times deep bedding creates uneven surfaces and levels for the horse to stand on. This can cause unnecessary strain on tendon and ligaments- even more so in a moving trailer! Equimat trailer mats eliminate the need for deep bedding and allows your horse to have a more comfortable travel experience.
2) Cleaner arrival. No more shavings caught inside wraps and boots, or picking out shavings from tails as you arrive on the show grounds.
Easy removal to check floorboards
and cleaning.
Every good horse person knows that they should check the floorboards in their trailer annually. Being equestrians ourselves, we know that this is usually a big daunting task to remove the standard mats that come in trailers and to clean out what is underneath them. With Equimat trailer mats, this strain is virtually eliminated due to their lightweight nature and locks that allow them to click neatly back into place.
Maximum protection for newer or uneasy equine travellers.
No horse owner enjoys listening to their horse become unbalanced and thus leaning against the trailer walls for support. The fear of them hurting themself (or your husband's fear that the horse will hurt his trailer) can be eliminated by installing Equimats on your trailer walls. Designed to absorb the impact of 1000+lb horses and striking hooves, Equimat trailer mats will help prevent your horse from hurting his legs and reducing damage to your trailer walls.